Book blogger, audiobook lover and shamelessly honest reviewer. Mostly read fantasy, mystery, romance, UF and YA but all genres welcome.
Thankfully, Tripwire didn't follow the same pattern as the previous two books but it wasn't as exciting. Some parts dragged terribly for me - why did we need so many descriptions of people dressing and undressing? - and there wasn't so much action. Also, I couldn't believe the villain had spent 30 years torturing people and nobody noticed. Some of the risks he took seemed crazy stupid. Why the focus on Jody?
(show spoiler)
You would think he had more important things to worry about.
I really liked the end although I wished we knew what happened with Marilyn. After being in her head for a good chunk of the book, it seemed weird never hearing from her again.
The best part were Leon's sayings - I really missed him! - and Reacher's huskiness.
Looking forward to the next book!